The 2023 GA4 Migration

2023 is going to be a big year for Google Analytics as it deprecates Universal Analytics and officially moves to GA4.


Where is your organization in the transition?
1. What’s GA4?
2. GA4 basic installed
3. GA4 installed no conversions
4. GA4 event conversions + dashboard setup
5. The team has been trained on new reporting and differences of old vs new
6. Scaled Big Query solution with dashboard

Why Analytics Matter

Relying on intuition, assuming that since you ‘help society’ you must be achieving lasting social impact, is a recipe for trouble. Insert: Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic. Behind the scenes, Google Analytics runs on every single page of your site. How much time do people spend on your site? How much time do they spend reading a specific article? What do they click? What location of the site do they go to? Google Analytics answers all of those questions, and many more, to ensure that your nonprofit can optimize for impact.

What you’ll learn

Our Google Analytics resources will take you from beginner to dangerously knowledgeable in no time. We’ll cover everything from basic terminology, to account set up, to Google Analytics goal setting, to advanced Google Tag Manager configurations (it’s ok if you don’t even know what GTM is right now — you will soon!).


  • Gain a deeper understanding of Google Analytics’ capabilities
  • Learn to configure Google Analytics to optimize for impact on your organization’s website
  • Process for analyzing and using Google Analytics

Where to start

Understanding Data Culture

Before diving into Google Analytics, we’ll take a step back and get a better understanding of the importance of data culture and measuring organizational impact.

Google Analytics Basics

Dive into the basics of Google Analytics so you know where to start with this free and powerful tool.

Google Analytics Account Configuration

Now that you have better idea of what Google Analytics can do, let’s get configuring! We show you how to set up dashboards, GA goals, and Google Tag Manager to track important actions users are taking on your website. We recommend adding our custom Google Analytics dashboard bundle and goals to your Google Analytics profile for free.

Get advanced with Whole Whale University

Impact Hacking: Digital Strategies for Nonprofits

“Growth hacking” has gotten a lot of talk recently in Silicon Valley. Startups are trying to find the fastest ways to get their products in the hands of users and grow their revenue for investors. As nonprofits, we can adopt this mentality and harness it for good – which is why we are excited to bring you this course on #ImpactHacking.

More Analytics Resources